Slider for delivery services "Slider"

User terms and conditions



These terms and conditions represent an official agreement “Agreement” for Slider Delivery Services Company “Slider” and the users of the application (customers) and delivery service providers. These user terms govern your use of the Slider application, which is an electronic platform that provides delivery services to customers using the application, whether customers or providers. Delivery service, where Slider allows application users (customers) to request transportation of items. The application also allows delivery service providers to contact customers who use the application and provide services to them depending on their request and what the application provides.

Any use by you of the services provided by the Slider application constitutes your acceptance of this agreement and its provisions. Accordingly, you must not use the application if you do not agree to the terms and conditions contained in this agreement. This agreement - the Terms and Conditions Agreement - is considered an official agreement between the Slider application and the delivery service providers and customers using the Slider application who wish to benefit from the services available in it.

Your use of the platform requires that you have agreed to this agreement, and thus you acknowledge and agree that any use by you, your device, your account, or a number that belongs to you of the services provided by the Slider application is considered your acceptance of this agreement and its provisions.

General special terms and conditions of use:

  1. The user of the application must have legal and legal capacity, and must not be less than 18 years old if he is a natural person. Anyone who is under 18 years old or who lacks legal capacity is obligated to use the application under the supervision of his guardian and under his responsibility.
  2. The customer or service provider acknowledges and undertakes that he has the right and legal ability to use the Slider website and application as stipulated in these terms and conditions.
  3. The customer or service provider must not be a competitor to Slider or provide services competitive with the services provided by Slider. If this clause is violated, the violator is obligated to compensate us for any exploitation of the platform in any way.
  4. The service provider must not have a criminal record before the security authorities in the country.
  5. The customer or service provider acknowledges that his use of the platform will be in accordance with what is stipulated in the following conditions:
  • He will not copy, download, reproduce, republish, frame, broadcast, or transmit in any way any of the content provided by the platform, except for normal personal, non-commercial uses only.
  • The customer or service provider is obligated not to do anything that would affect the operation of the platform or cause unreasonable discomfort, abuse, or disruption to any other users or our workers.
  • The customer or service provider must not have been previously banned or prohibited from using the platform.
  • The customer or service provider must comply with all applicable laws and regulations within the country in which the service was provided.
  • The customer or service provider must provide correct and accurate information to the platform and must comply with any notifications made by the platform regarding the services it provides to ensure that any operational operations are not hampered
  • The customer’s or service provider’s use of the platform’s services must not be aimed at harming, harassing, or disturbing anyone.
  • The customer or service provider must maintain all contents and secret numbers to access his account securely.
  • The platform has the right to refuse to provide any service or use of the application without any compensation or justification for reasons.
  • The customer must refrain from using the platform in any way that might lead to any other party using the platform in a manner that violates, or is likely to violate, any existing and applicable laws, or the legal rights or entitlements of any other party, in accordance with all applicable laws

User information:

  1. We collect the user's name, address, email address, mobile phone number, and identification number as needed, and his bank account information or credit card information. We need this information in order to enable him to benefit from our services, for example, but not limited to, to confirm his identity, contact him, issue invoices, and transfer payments. Amounts, receiving and delivering orders.
  2. We may ask the user to provide us with the bank account number, identity number and information, and date of birth, in order to verify, authenticate, monitor fraud and risks, and comply with applicable legal and regulatory requirements as stipulated in the United Arab Emirates regulations.
  3. The user acknowledges that he grants the platform access to his camera and photo library to upload the required photos in order to be able to better benefit from the platform’s services.
  4. We collect information related to the services provided and measure performance, and this includes information about user activity such as how you use our services, how you interact with others, etc.
  5. We collect device-specific information when you install the Platform, including information such as device type, operating system information, browser information, Internet Protocol (IP) address, mobile network information including phone number and device identifiers, and we collect device location information if the user has given us access to their location.
  6. We collect information related to the service request, provision, and implementation, such as phone number and call recording from phone support users, in order to measure performance and raise the level of quality. We also collect chat text from chat support users.
  7. We collect this information when you visit the platform or when you communicate with us either by e-mail, the web, instant messages, communication programs, or the phone. We also collect any additional information that you may provide to us, and the platform uses this information to serve you, improve and develop the services, and answer any questions that you may have.

General Provisions:

  1. When our relationship with you ends, we will continue to store archived copies of your information for commercial purposes and to comply with regulations and laws.
  2. Slider pledges to keep user information securely by following high standards in information security management to protect sensitive information such as financial information and details of any other personal information, and applies our information security systems to people, processes and information technology systems on the basis of risk management.
  3. We assure you that no method of transmission over the Internet or method of electronic storage is 100% secure, so we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your information.
  4. You can keep all your personal information and your transaction history information and you can access it at any time. We also grant you limited powers from your account settings to allow you to correct, modify, delete or limit the use of your personal information.
  5. Your deletion or restriction of the use of your personal information may result in disabling satisfactory use of our services.
  6. Slider reserves the right to amend or change these terms and conditions without prior notice, and it is your responsibility as a user of the application to review the terms and conditions of use periodically to see what updates occur

Information from cookies and similar tracking technology:

  1. Cookies are sent to your device from a website and stored on your device. We assign a different cookie to each device that connects to the Platform.
  2. We use cookies to recognize your device and provide you with personalized services.
  3. We may use automated tracking technologies and methods on the Application during communications with you or during your use of the Application, in order to measure performance and improve the Services.
  4. We analyze and use the information we have to evaluate and improve our services, research, develop and test new services and features, and conduct troubleshooting activities. We also use your information to respond to you and inform you when you contact us

Sharing personal information with a third party:

  1. We may be asked, in some circumstances, by governmental or judicial authorities to share information with them or with a third party to verify legal claims, meet national security requirements, implement judicial rulings, or others, so the platform has the right to share the required information with these parties.
  2. The platform has the right to share personal information with a third party to investigate or take action regarding suspected illegal or fraudulent activity or situations involving potential threats to the safety of any person, or in cases of violations of the terms and conditions of the terms and conditions agreement or the privacy policy or as required by the regulations. And the laws.
  3. We may also share personal information with parties that own the platform in the future, whether through merger or total or partial acquisition. If this happens, we will publish a notice stating that a process related to ownership of the platform has occurred.

Eligibility to receive services:

      The User represents and warrants the following : 

  1. Your use of Slider services has never been disabled or prevented from using them at any time.
  2. You are not a competitor to Slider, nor do you offer any product that competes with the services provided by Slider.
  3. That he has full power and authority to contract and that he will not be in violation of any law or agreement.

Pledges and guarantees:

      The User represents and warrants the following:

  1. It will comply with all applicable laws and regulations in the United Arab Emirates.
  2. It will provide true and accurate information to Slider and update it periodically.
  3. He will review and comply with notices sent through Slider regarding the use of the services provided by the Slider application. 
  4. Will not duplicate, sublicense, issue, publish, transmit, distribute, perform, display, sell or reclassify the Slider Services, or otherwise transfer or commercially exploit the Service, except as permitted under This agreement.
  5. The information, content or any data you access or obtain through Slider Services will not be used for any purpose other than personal use. You will use the application and the service exclusively for your own purposes and will not sell it to a third party.
  6. You will use the Service or Application for lawful purposes only, and will not use the Services to send or store any illegal or fraudulent material.
  7. You will not use the Service or the Application to cause harm, harassment, or inconvenience to anyone.
  8. You agree to exchange information between companies within the platform regarding your executed operations and evaluation of dealings with you.
  9. It will not hinder the proper operation of the Slider application


      The User acknowledges that for the duration of this Agreement he will be bound by the following:

  1. The Driver acknowledges compliance with all permits, licenses and other governmental authorizations necessary to perform, implement and continue your efforts, operations and business in general, and the delivery and transportation service. 
  2. The driver acknowledges that he will abide by all local laws and regulations, including laws related to the operation of vehicle transport services / furniture transport /, delivery services or transportation services, and that you will be solely responsible for any violations of those local laws and regulations, and that the transport vehicle is permitted for the uses specified by the authorities. For government vehicles, public, private or private transportation, you will be solely responsible for customer property that is transported in your vehicle.
  3. The driver acknowledges that he has a valid driving license and that he is the owner of the vehicle or his authorized representative and licensed to drive the vehicle, and that he has all the appropriate licenses, accreditations and permits to provide the transportation service in the country in which the delivery and transportation service is provided or implemented.
  4. That the driver has an appropriate and up-to-date level of knowledge and practical experience that enables him to provide the delivery and transportation service, and that the delivery and transportation service will be provided, provided or supported using qualified and appropriately trained drivers who work according to the required skills, care and care.
  5. The driver acknowledges that he has obtained an insurance policy for liability (transportation, personal injury, third parties, or general liability) and other types of insurance that are being worked on in the market with the usual insurance coverage in the market regarding the operation of cars and/or commercial insurance to cover any of the expected risks. And any damages and losses related to the operation of delivery services).
  6. The driver has the right to view the place of receipt and delivery of the package and additions such as loading and unloading, and to request assistants before accepting the request. You must ensure that the transported items are stable and securely fastened before transporting them to the delivery or unloading site.
  7. If the request is accepted, the driver must go directly to the customer, and if any obstacle appears on the road, such as congestion, accidents, or anything else, he must inform the customer about that.
  8. The driver is not entitled to accept another request until the first request is completed. 
  9. The driver must ensure the size and quantity of the transported items and that they do not violate traffic laws.
  10. The driver undertakes to ensure that his personal hygiene and the cleanliness of his vehicle are maintained at all times, and that it is in good operational condition and conforms to safety standards. Industrial requirements for vehicles of that type.
  11. The driver’s commitment to ensure that the vehicle meets the quality standards set by Slider at all times.
  12. Slider does not provide any equipment, surfaces, or vehicles to service providers. It depends on the partnership between service providers and Slider.
  13. Registration with Slider is done by downloading the application.
  14. Slider may, at any time, notify you of any amendment or proposed change to the terms of this agreement or the agreed-upon fee, and in the event that you terminate this Agreement While retaining the rights owed to Slider within a period of seven days, you will have accepted the changes contained in the change notice. In the event that you object to the changes or modifications contained in the change notices, Slider may terminate the agreement concluded with you with immediate effect and without the need to compensate you in any way.
  15. The user undertakes that he will not attempt to harm the service or application in any way.
  16. The user undertakes that he will not copy or distribute the application or other contents without obtaining written permission from Slider.
  17. The user undertakes that he will maintain the password for his account or any identification method provided by Slider that allows secure access to the account and se.
  18. The user undertakes that he will provide us with all evidence that proves your identity, according to Slider’s sole discretion.
  19. Slider has the right to refuse to provide the service or use the application without giving reasons.
  20. The user undertakes that he will not cancel the service when the driver arrives to carry out the service, and that he has the right to cancel the service only before the driver accepts. For this request, and if the service is canceled for any reason after the grace period for canceling the request, you will be fined proportionately according to the timing and stage of canceling the request. 

License scope: 

Slider grants to its users a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-assignable, non-sublicensable, irrevocable license to access and use our Services solely for personal purposes (not for commercial purposes without limitation) in accordance with this Agreement, so you must :

  1. Do not make the Services available, rent, lease, assign, resell, distribute or sublicense to any third party. Not to modify, decompile, translate, summarize, create a sub-work that decompiles,reverse engineer the design of the Slider Application or otherwise determine or attempt to access the source code, the internal design of the Services, or any text. , multimedia images, data or other information provided by Slider or third party service providers.
  2. Not to delete, alter or otherwise modify any copyright or other official notices contained on the Services.
  3. You will not intentionally transmit, distribute the Services, or permit the Services to be downloaded for use other than as specified herein.
  4. Do not claim to provide the Services or allow access to them to anyone other than yourself.
  5. Do not allow the sharing of the username/password or other justifications for accessing Slider services.
  6. Users and delegates are prohibited from purchasing, delivering, sending, receiving or receiving the following categories of materials and products and anything related to them, and you must allow the provider to open any shipment and ensure its integrity and compliance with the conditions.

Examples of products and items:

  1. Spirits and intoxicating drinks.
  2. Blood or dangerous liquids, harmful weeds, prohibited seeds, plants and any other organic materials (including production derivatives) that are at risk of extinction or whose trade is prohibited by law.
  3. Pornographic materials or those that may constitute sexual exploitation of children.
  4. Illegal copies of books, music, films, and any other licensed and protected materials, including copies that infringe copyrights, illegal copies of applications, programs, video games, and any other licensed and protected materials such as native applications, packaged programs, or other products that enable sending messages. Anonymized to email.
  5. Prohibited substances, illegal drugs and medications, preparation equipment, and materials promoting the use of such products; And any illegal substances.
  6. Human organs or any body parts, fluids, stem cells and stem cells.
  7. Devices designed to receive satellite signals, cables for free, cable broadcast decoders, encryption cards, and programming devices.
  8. Encryption cards, illegal equipment and products used to modify cell phones and other equipment that are considered illegal under the regulations of the Communications Authority or any regulating body in the country.
  9. Unproven treatments and medications or unauthorized substances.
  10. Fireworks and related goods that are considered in the markets where they are sold: toxic, flammable or radioactive, and materials such as gunpowder, explosive materials, and gasoline.
  11. Batteries containing mercury; Freon and similar refrigerants; Chemical and industrial solvents; medical operations; Car number plates; Police uniforms and law enforcement equipment; lock opening devices; medical devices; Pesticide; Fitness equipment and electrical stimulators; recovered materials; Inspection and surveillance equipment used primarily to illegally eavesdrop on verbal or electronic communications or to enable the illegal eavesdropping on persons and the recording of their calls; Goods controlled by the government or any other authorities.
  12. Radar jammers, license plate covers, traffic signal changers and other related products. Weapons, ammunition and any other materials include, but are not limited to, hidden and difficult-to-detect weapons and knives, weapons that take the form of pieces of art, silencers, ammunition safes, light machine guns, and tear gas. Discount currencies or trading currencies and currencies backed by precious metals. Slider has the right to refuse to provide service to all children under the age of eighteen. In addition, we have the right to refuse delivery to any location in or around elementary or middle schools. You will not transport large items that do not fit in a small vehicle or items whose weight exceeds twenty/20 kilograms. You will not transport items whose value exceeds five thousand/5000 dirhams.
    Breach of the Shipping Policy: Slider reserves the right to seek any remedies available for breach of the Shipping Policy, including, without limitation, the right to block access to the Slider Services and Software

Intellectual property rights:

All intellectual property rights in these Services and all materials relating to or appearing on them are the property of Slider.

You must not reproduce or permit anyone, for any reason, to use or reproduce the Services, or any trademarks or other trade marks appearing on the Services.

Pricing Policy:

All services that appear in the Slider application are priced in real time and interactively with the customer’s request for the service and the customer’s subsequent details and requirements.

Service prices are flexible and change from one customer to another for the same requested service, depending on the variables associated with providing the service, such as the place of receipt and delivery of the shipment - the size of the shipment - the length of time it takes to arrive - the timing of the service request - and some additional customer requirements for uploading, unloading, and the like. The application provides the customer with available service providers who, in turn, accept the customer’s request and agree to provide the service to him, along with the conditions and additions it includes.

The customer's approval of the price offer means his commitment to pay the full amount mentioned in the offer and may not reduce or split it. All prices are in local currency, UAE Dirham.

Fees and commissions policy:

The Slider application allows free registration in the application for both the customer and service providers and does not collect any amount or fees for the process of registering an account in the application.

The application charges the customer a commission for every service it provides, and the service provider gets a percentage of it, and the application collects it directly or indirectly from the customer according to the payment policy.

The application reserves the right to impose any future fees or commissions for using the application or benefiting from the services provided through it.

The company is committed to paying the provider’s dues within seven (7) days from the date of executing the request from the service provider by transferring him his dues via a bank transfer to his account or charging the driver’s wallet through the application.

If Slider decides to impose new fees, the User will be notified and will be allowed to continue or
terminate the Agreement.

Payment policy:

The customer has the freedom to choose the payment method that suits him.

Payment methods approved by the application: electronic payment or through wallet balance.

The application provides a wallet feature for each user so that the application can save and settle the cash balance through it

The user has the right to use the added balance within the application only and does not have the right to withdraw or claim it.

After the customer accepts the price offer, the customer is obligated to pay this price for the application by providing his wallet with electronic payment. The application will collect the due amount and transfer the service provider’s share after deducting the application’s commission percentage.

The application does not provide any guarantees and is not responsible for the customer paying non-agreed amounts.

The customer must ensure that the credit card information used for payment is correct, accurate, and valid before completing the payment process. We do not bear any responsibility if the customer makes a mistake in the payment process, or any responsibility as a result of hacking or fraud on the cards used by the customer on the Internet.

The wallet balance is not redeemable for cash if there is support from the application administration or otherwise.

The customer and the service provider have the right to use the wallet balance for requests within the application only.

Slider's management reserves the right to amend the commission value or its calculation mechanism in the future, and you will be notified if this happens. It also reserves the right to add new payment methods in the future.

Special terms of use:

  1. There are some requirements and official papers that you, as the service provider, must provide so that we can serve you, such as providing papers proving ownership of the vehicle in order to ensure the optimal service is provided, and in compliance with labor and traffic laws. An example of this, but not limited to it, is the vehicle opening service.
  2. The customer's acceptance of the limit of service providers constitutes his acceptance of the announced price, and nothing may be reduced from the agreed upon value.
  3. Orders to be received from the customer, the platform does not bear any responsibility related to them.
  4. The official method of communication between the customer and the service provider is the conversation within the platform. If the customer chooses to communicate through any other means, he bears the consequences of that, whatever they may be.
  5. The responsibility of identifying and describing the order and determining the place of its receipt and delivery lies with the customer, and the platform does not bear any breach by the service provider in any aspect of the order process and does not bear any compensation as it acts as an intermediary in connecting the customer and the service providers.
  6. Slider completely rejects any offensive language or bad behavior towards the company, our service, any of our employees, and/or any of our service providers. If it is determined, based on our discretion, that any customer has used language that is offensive to the company/service/employees/service providers, this will result in the customer’s account being permanently closed without any refund of any amounts due. This is considered a threat of prosecution, defamation or slander.


By agreeing to these User Terms and using the Application or Service, you agree to:

  1. To defend, hold harmless, and hold harmless Slider, its affiliates, licensors, and each of their respective officers, directors, and other users, employees, attorneys, and agents from and against any claims, costs, damages, losses, liabilities, and expenses (including but not limited to attorneys' fees and costs) arising About or related to:
  2. Your violation or violation of any provision of these User Terms or any applicable law or regulation, whether referred to in these Terms and Conditions of Use or not.
  3. Your violation of the rights of third parties, including roadside assistance providers regulated by the application. Your use or misuse of the Application or Service. 

legal responsibility:

All information, recommendations and services or any thereof provided to the User or through the Website, Service and Application are for general information purposes only and do not constitute any advice.

  1. All Slider agents, service providers, licensors, or affiliates will in no way be liable for direct or indirect damages, penalties, extraordinary or incidental damages, contagious diseases, or collateral damages (including, for example, Without limitation, damages resulting from loss of profits, interruption of workers, loss of business information or other financial losses) arising directly or indirectly from access to, use of (or nonuse of) or reliance on the Services.
  2. Slider shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the use of (or inability to use) the Website or the Application, including damage caused by malware or viruses, nor shall it be liable for the incorrectness or incompleteness of the information, the Website or the Application, This damage was not the result of willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of Slider
  3. Slider does not bear any responsibility for any damages resulting from the use (or inability to use) electronic means of communication with the website or with the application, including - but not limited to - damages resulting from non-delivery of electronic correspondence or delay in Delivering, intercepting, or tampering with electronic correspondence by third parties or by computer programs used for electronic correspondence and transmitting viruses.
  4. The responsibility for the quality of the delivery service lies with the service provider approved by the customer.
  5. Slider does not bear responsibility for any actions, actions, behavior or negligence, or all of the above, on the part of the delivery service provider.
  6. Slider does not bear any responsibility towards the customer as a result of any losses or damages resulting from the use of the platform.
  7. Slider clearly disclaims responsibility, to the maximum extent possible in accordance with the law, for all warranties related to the quality of service.
  8. Slider does not guarantee the accuracy or certainty of the timeliness of the Services or the results that a user of the Services may or may not obtain.
  9. Slider, its agents, licensors or affiliates will not be liable in any way for direct or indirect damages, penalties, special damages, or incidental or consequential damages.
  10. Slider is a link between the beneficiary and the service provider.

Modifying services:

Slider reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to do the following at any time:

  1. Change the Services or any associated materials; And/or stop publishing its services.
  2. If Slider decides to stop publishing its Services, it may voluntarily replace the Services with other similar materials.

Limits of liability and security:

The user acknowledges that he is solely responsible for the privacy of the services. And you are Using your account and/or username, password or access credentials.

You also agree to notify Slider if you become aware of any loss, theft, or unauthorized use of your password, user name, IP address, or other means of accessing the Services. You are solely responsible for its use by any other person.

Transactions with others:

It is understood that while using the Website, Application and Service, links may from time to time be provided to websites owned and controlled by third parties in order to correspond with third parties, purchase products or services from them, or participate in promotions offered by them. These links take you outside the website, the application, and the service, and they are out of Men Do Pick control.

While using the Website, App and Service, you may correspond with, purchase goods or services, or participate in promotions from service providers, advertisers or sponsors offering their goods or services through a link on the Website or through the App or Service. These links take you outside the website, the application, and the service, and they are out of Men Do Pick control. The websites you may link to have separate terms and conditions as well as a separate privacy policy. Slider takes no responsibility for, and cannot be held liable for, the content and activities of those websites. Therefore, you bear the entire risk of visiting or accessing these sites.

Please note that these other sites may send their own cookies to users, collect user data, or request personal information, and therefore we recommend that you check the terms of use or privacy policies on those sites before using them.

Duration and termination of the agreement:

The agreement is of indefinite duration. The user is entitled Terminate the agreement at any time by deleting the installed application Thus, your use of the application and service is
disrupted. You may close your user account at any time. Slider also has the right to terminate the agreement with immediate effect at any time (by disabling your use of the application and the service), if you do any of the following:

  1. Violate or breach any of the User Terms,
  2. If Slider sees that you are abusing the application or service.
  3. Slider is not obligated to send prior notice of termination of the agreement. on his smartphone was permanently deleted, 

Modification of the Service and User Terms:

  1. Slider reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify or replace any provision of these User Terms, or to change, suspend or discontinue the Service or Application (including without limitation, the provision of any feature or rule 10 data or content) at any time, by posting a notice on the site or sending you a notice through the service, application, or via email.
  2. Slider may place limits on features and servicesLimit or limit your access to parts of the Service or the entire Service Without notice or liability.

General Provisions:

  1. If any court or legislator decides that any clause of this agreement is invalid or becomes inapplicable, the clause or clauses in question from this agreement will be canceled, deleted or suspended, with the rest of the terms and provisions remaining in full force.
  2. These terms and conditions apply between Slider and the user, and no other person has the right to benefit from these terms and conditions.
  3. Slider reserves the right to assign in any way or transfer any or all of our rights and obligations stipulated in this agreement to another party.
  4. In the event that the (service provider) implements any service for the customer that is not registered in the request, or in the event that the customer requests the service provider to implement any service other than that requested through (the Slider application), Slider is not responsible for any results, claims, or compensation. related to it in any way, and the service provider alone and the service requester (customer) will be responsible for that, without any responsibility on (Slider) in any way.

Notifications: Slider may give notice by sending a general notice about the Service or Application, or by sending an email to your mailing address recorded in your account information with Slider

Applicable law and dispute resolution:

This agreement and any dispute, claim, or controversy arising from it, or any violation thereof, termination, implementation, interpretation, or use of the site, service, or application, are subject to the laws and regulations applied in the United Arab Emirates, and the Abu Dhabi courts have jurisdiction to hear this dispute.